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Starlink Installations Videos

Starlink Cable Extension, How far away can you run Dishy from your house? 500, 400, 300ft Testing.

Starlink Cable Extension, How far away can you run Dishy from your house? 500, 400, 300ft Testing.

Your home is surrounded by tall trees, yet 300ft away is an open field where you can place Dishy. Can and should you run a cable to the field for the best line of sight? This is a question we've heard a lot out there, installing internet over the years it is certainly a situation we've run into. There is no cookie cutter answer for everybody's problems but there is a list of possible solutions to try. If you can, it is always best practice to use Starlinks supplied parts, which unfortunately limits you to 100ft range from the dishy to the power pack. If you're looking to extend this range a few options we have tested and have worked, but are pushing the limits and possibly compromising the life expectancy of the equipment. If you can't find a clearing within the 100ft range of the cable then you can look at either extending the cable or setting up point to point links if you have power. Running an extended cable will be the only option for some, so we tested out to see how far we could go with an extension. Let's break down how we completed our testing and get the results. First up is cabling and the type that will work best. Website​ Email Facebook Instagram all_media-services1

Bhí an-spraoi againn ag suiteáil agus ag tástáil an chórais Starlink seo! Ní saineolaithe muid i réimse Starlink ar chor ar bith ach is cinnte gur éirigh linn tarraingt as blianta fada taithí mar Theicneoirí Satailíte agus Idirlín Tuaithe chun cabhrú linn ar an mbealach.  

Mar chuideachta ní raibh muid riamh níos corraithe faoi theicneolaíocht nua, a ceannródaíoch agus d’fhéadfadh go gciallódh sí rochtain ar fhaisnéis i réimsí den domhan nach bhféadfadh tacú le bonneagar ISP (go airgeadais nó go geolaíoch).  

Cosúil le haon chóras nua, bhí an t-am laghdaithe aige (cé gur fíorbheagán é le 7 mí anuas), is é sin réaltacht aon teicneolaíochta, (go háirithe i dtréimhse Béite). Ach nuair a bhreathnaítear orainn thar thréimhse fhada agus ár dtástálacha meánluas a chur le chéile thar an tréimhse 7 mí, bhíomar an-tógtha agus táimid ag tnúth leis an táirge seo sa todhchaí .

Ba bhreá linn d'aiseolas a chloisteáil ar na físeáin seo, d'eispéireas pearsanta féin ar chóras Starlink nó buail isteach chun a rá Hi!

Go raibh maith agat as a bheith mar chuid ríthábhachtach d’Fhóraim Pobail Starlink.

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