Hi ! I'm buying my Starlink in France in order to use it in Senegal (where I live) to take advantage of their offer before the launch of the service in Senegal by Q4 this year. I wanted to know if I will have any problem of compatibilty knowing that I don't have a Starlink account yet.
Thank you !
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Hi Anis Azar,
I’m not positive as to the logistics for your area but I do know you can purchase a system and setup an account using your existing equipment. I left some directions below, I hope this helps.
If you go to Starlink.com and type in your service address then push order now it will direct you to a new page that tells you if your address is available for service. If it is available for service you then scroll down and select your service price (standard or priority) then you will see a check box a bit further down that says “I already have my Starlink” you then select that check box and it will ask you for your kit # or serial number. Punch that number in and it will give you a success message if it matches an active kit. You can then place an order without having to purchase any new equipment.
If you are moving around a lot with your service you can also setup a Roam service by selecting “Roam” from the drop down menu on Starlinks home page on the website. Follow the same steps listed above to setup a “Roam” service for your existing dish, this allows you to travel with your system but it is a bit more price per month.