I not having luck getting support to respond. As luck would have my power brick died Christmas eve! LOL Murphy’s law. I have sent two messages since with no response. Is this the norm? Is there another way to get hold of these good folks?
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The support crew must be selective in deciding who to support. That is, some people get comms from them and even new equipment. How long they waited was not stated but when we all rely on consistent internet service and something goes wrong and the provider ignores you....sounds like a Ponzi scheme to me. Pay pay pay and when it goes bad...so sad!!! Fend for yourself.
My starlink went out a week ago. Contacted support and they sent me the same info contained in the app...which didn't work. Since then, I've been begging for help. I even sent another trouble ticket only to have them tell me one was already open. OK then...how about an answer! How frustrating to be ignored. No phone, no email, no chat, no way to get any communications with them and they simply do not respond.
Hi Jim, Of course, that’s always how it goes hey! Unfortunately it seems fairly normal as of late.. My last message to them took about 4 days for a reply. Short of sending another message there isn’t anything else that can be done to contact a rep. Hope they get back to you soon!