I'm running the Android Starlink app V2023.11.0. When I open the app, it indicates I'm "online", and I do have access to all the menu information categories. But when I open "Settings", most of the screen is grayed out, and the message "You must be logged in with the account associated with this router to update settings."
Does anyone know where to login? Login to the router? When I login to, the "Settings" category says to use the Starlink app to change settings. Do I need to reboot the router every time I want to make a Settings change?
Hi , I have exactly the same as you described (starlink installed since a week)....is any time to wait before been able to login ?
Every time the router is rebooted or electrical power is lost....is lost also the Starlink configuration.....an had to start since the beginning
Thx for a feedback or when you solved the issue
Maurizio (Italy)