Hi, all! New Starlink Mini (ROAM) I bought for casual use while out in the wilderness. Second day using it. First day all was well, can't remember what provider it was connecting to, but never had a single issue. Second day, I'm going offline regularly, 50% up/50% down. Out in the middle of nowhere (central Nevada), no trees, no obstructions, no mountains (literally middle of nowhere). Weather conditions clear sky. Aligned fine. Service provider my dish is connecting to is IPXO (according to various speed test); also connecting to "SpaceX Starlink").
50% up, 50% down. Not sure where to even go here. Thanks.
Submit a problem report on your phone application. Through the "Troubleshooting" section is a section for "Frequent Interuptions". They will help debug your particular issue.
Check the cable connections to the dish and to the router. Otherwise, you may have a defective cable. I had a similar problem with intermittent connectivity. I ended up replacing the cable which fixed the problem. Starling sent me a new cable free of charge.