We are glad you've decided to visit Starlink Community Forums. We hope to be able to connect with the worldwide digital community and offer up our knowledge of the Starlink system, as well as hear from all of you on your experiences and knowledge thus far.
So feel free to comment and connect, as we navigate together this new era of high speed internet
Red light stays on our router
Hi. I have just installed the latest Starlink. My Windows PC loves it. But the wife has an Apple Ipad v6. I noted the SSID. Selected it entered the Password. All was OK for a few hours. Now it will not connect to the network stating that the name the SSID name is hidden. If it wa hidden how did I see it amongst other Networks we could see, I checked Starlink router, that does not indicate the name is hidden. On her other Ipad, it sees the SSID, I enter the correct password which it does not accept. Both of her ipdas worked 100% against a very weak Internet that I previously used. HELP please.
Hello. I recently purchased Starlink kit with a mobile account in Canada. I was not able to set the hardware up in Canada so did not activate my account. I now have to transport my Starlink to the DR. Should i activate my account in Canada or is it ok just to activate in the DR?
Looking to purchase for my camper. Need to know if I can use the equipment in my home when its not on my camper. Can I cancel anytime?
Hi, I am new to Starlink, had mine for a year. Can stream on my tv fine. my SSID shows up on everything but the TV box I got (IPTV/OTT V605 S Box Media player). On it the Bssid shows up and I do not know why. I have tried signing on with my password and it will not work. I have reset the Starlink wifi many times. I can see the neigbours ssid but only the bssid for mine. I hope you can help THANK YOU JOY
i have a business account and we are planning on adding more locations.
is there a limit to the amount of locations that can be added to a business account ?
Does anyone know if starlink responds to tickets on the weekend
I'm try to find out the status of our dish delivery, does anyone have any ideas where I can get that info? I put in an order last December and was hoping to get our dish in June but we haven't seen anything yet.
Help. Couldn't activate second Starlink Router so we asked our son to help. In no time at all he changed the password and user name, [ I think ] . I see three updates in my email that says updated but doesn't tell me what they were change to. Tried using my original password to put our printer on line and it says wrong password. How do I get back to where I started with the Username and passwords we want.
Amazingly I found a local, only an hour and half away, installer who is a determined fellow and I highly recommend for northern WI. He took pictures of my installation and said it was the most creative he had ever seen. Really ?, who wraps the junction in plastic wrap and keeps in a tool box, mostly closed supported by a chair on a slope area with the router in two plastic bags tied to a bench for weather protection.?Powered from a 50 ft extension line.
I learned that the magic length number is 300 + some feet, maybe 320 ,. He spliced the line from the dish, which was relocated to the roof. The roof pitch is 11, so every 11 inches it rises 11 inches, a young mans game as I am past the ability to climb that one. He indicated there could be snow challenges but if that happens there is no way to address in winter.
He was also a EERO dealer as well as Sonos and solved all of my network needs. We did replace the main Eero conection unit. I have 5 serving the property.
The new line was also used to lengthen the router line. The wire is UV resistant and I believe a better grade than the original.
All is good and we are in testing mode. The dish had only 5 seconds of interrruption in the first half hour compared to the past which was close to 2 minutes. There is still obstructions from trees but the range has been expanded from the impact of being on a dock and being blocked by trees on the land side.
If there are more problems I will let you know. I did check out the great comments from Media Services and their utube videos. I liked his unit to shoot across long distances.
Anyone facing WI challenges and want the contact name of the installer let me know.
Enjoy the summer.
I bought the mesh system with 3 nodes on line from Walmart. I believe the name was Deo or somf thing like that.
Kelly, I have a Gen2 rectangle dish. I need to do something like your diagram, but from a dam, not from a dock. But, I can also put the router under a shed. The Gen2 doesn't have the separate power pack. I have the ethernet adapter. I am thinking of running Cat 6 from there about 170 feet to the house. So, I gather that I will have to disable the Starlink wifi and run the ethernet to a switch and wifi router in the house. Is that the case and will this setup work?
Also, I am uncomfortable leaving the cable from the dish to the router just laying on the ground, exposed to varmints, mowers, and all kinds of attacks. Starlink FAQ says that its cable is not designed for burying. Are others using conduit, or just leaving it exposed? Thanks.
My office and home are in two separate buildings about 200 feet apart through 2 concrete block walls. I installed a mesh system in both buildings and have been communicating with each other. The result is that I have starlink in both buildings at 150 to200 down.
Great, thanks for letting me know...
May 13 update
What I have learned.
Putting a power booster on the line to the router or on the second line from the router ( was looking to connect to my erro system) Failed.
I used the beta app in the Starlink app to test reception and the best reception came in with the provided parts. In essence it can not be pushed beyond its original design.
As a stand alone small area provider it works super. High speeds etc.
Trying to tie it into a network or expand the coverage have failed.
It appears I might be getting better hand off between satellites. Maybe the recent launches
I suspect the coverage area of the router changes during the day for tonight I was able to connect in my office which has not worked previously. I was setting up a hotspot with my phone and the computer auto connected to starlink and the work vpn. Amazing. Might be I am the only one home now.
Love to see a whole house solution and improved satellite handoff, we will see when the leaves open for spring on the trees.
At this point I am stopping my efforts to improve the coverage. I am out of ideas.
Will continue to monitor the forum. Hope this helps others
new to the site, should get my dish this week. is it ok to bury the cable without protection? or should i put it in PVC?
Just thought I give an update on the system.
Good news is the satellite is working, I have a temporary cable running from the junction box to the router which is propped against a high level window against the house. The router line is run attached to tree limbs from a shed. Naturally a storm came and two limbs fell on the line yanking the router to the ground which was then buried in snow storm. The router is well made.
In this time gap I obtained a new error connection box and connected to the router. The unit shows on the app but is non functional. I am guessing the line is too long to power the erro. The prior erro no longer works. I am guessing the failure was likely in the router or possible the longer line I used to get it into the house. That is a to be determined.
Next Steps - Any thoughts?
The new erro was tested off site and set to bridge before installation. There are postings stating that moving it to bridge mode deactivates setting up a network. Anyone with experience ? I will reach out to erro as well.
The system has sensitivity to changing cable distances between units. A possible power enhancer, if one existed might boost the signal strength, anyone seen or tired one?
Once the snow melts, I will re-run the lines and try and make a direct shot to the house or as close as I can get using the original equipment. That likely means all parts will have to be outside. Protecting them is a TBD
If starlink puts out a network system as an add on, that would be a game changer. There were some posts that one was in development.
I do run an erro system at another location and it is a great product. It is almost plug and play.
Welcome any comments or sharing of thoughts.
Thanks, the article helped. I am taking the erro to another location I will independently test it as a stand alone and as a bridge. I will let you know what happens.
Thanks for the continual support.